Oracle WHERE Clause

Introduction: WHERE clause is used in Oracle to limit the rows in output using one or more conditions. Sometimes we need only limited data from the columns, instead of entire rows. We use WHERE clause to filter the data. SELECT column_names FROM table_name WHERE...

Oracle Dual Table

Oracle Dual Table is a special table designed to give instant result for queries that don’t require a table. Suppose we want to perform a arithmetic calculations or want to call functions, then we don’t need to fetch data from any table. Example: SELECT 30...


When we use SELECT statement to retrieve rows, it may also include duplicate rows. We use SELECT DISTINCT statement to filter all the duplicate rows and to get only unique values. The syntax of SELECT DISTINCT statement is as follows: SELECT DISTINCT column_1 FROM...


Introduction SELECT is one command that you will use the most while working with Oracle Database. It is used to fetch data from table and display what we want. We use SQL queries to show only relevant information. For example, let us consider the Employees Table from...

Operator Precedence

BODMAS Bodmas is an acronym for Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. Any arithmetic operation in SQL follows this fundamental maths logic. We use this rule to decide, which mathematical operator should be given precedence first while...