REPLACE is a string function used in Oracle to find a ‘text value1’ in expression or column and replace it with ‘text value2’.
The Syntax of REPLACE function is as follows:
REPLACE( Expression, text_value1 [,text_value2])
Expression – Expression could be a string or column name. We make changes to this expression using REPLACE function.
text_value1 – This is the value that needs to be replaced in the expression. If text_value1 is NULL or empty then Oracle returns the expression with no changes.
text_value2 – This is the value that will replace text_value1.
If we don’t give text_value2, then Oracle will simply remove all instances of text_value1 from the expression.
Lets understand this through some examples.
Oracle REPLACE Examples
The following query is used for replacing ‘Anyone’ in a string to ‘Everyone’.
SELECT REPLACE( 'Anyone can learn SQL.', 'Anyone', 'Everyone' ) FROM dual;
The query replaces the string ‘Anyone’ with ‘Everyone’.

For the next example, lets create a dummy table named ‘Friends’. It has the columns friend_id, name and age.
The query to create the ‘Friends’ table is as follows:
CREATE TABLE friends( friend_id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2( 255 ), age NUMBER, PRIMARY KEY (friend_id) );
Let’s insert some dummy data into our table on which we will further perform operations:
INSERT INTO friends( friend_id, name, age) VALUES(1,'**Ross!!',25); INSERT INTO friends( friend_id, name, age) VALUES(2,'**Phoebe!!',26); INSERT INTO friends( friend_id, name, age) VALUES(3,'**Monica!!',24); INSERT INTO friends( friend_id, name, age) VALUES(4,'**Joey!!',25); INSERT INTO friends( friend_id, name, age) VALUES(5,'**Chandler!!',26); INSERT INTO friends( friend_id, name, age) VALUES(6,'**Rachel!!',24);
Now, that we have created the Friends and inserted the dummy data. Let’s see how it looks:

Let’s use the following query to replace the characters ‘*’ and ‘!’ with empty string.
UPDATE friends SET name = REPLACE ( name, '**',''); UPDATE friends SET name = REPLACE ( name, '!!','');

Let’s see the updated table using simple SELECT query.
SELECT * FROM friends;

Oracle also has a TRANSLATE function which works the same way REPLACE does. The only difference being that it is used for substituting a single character with another character.
In this tutorial, we learned how Oracle REPLACE function is used for replacing a string with another string or set of characters.